Saturday, 23 May 2009

Lazy Day

Had a lazy day today. Didn't plan it that way, just happened.

I felt like a blob this morning, ate too much chocolate yesterday. Who'da thought it possible - a chocolate hangover! It's not like it was a record breaking amount either, it's just that I haven't had much lately and it was a shock to my system.

I've a good reason for the chocolate; it was a sort of consolation for the fact that DH needs a hip replacement. I'm getting him rebuilt in installments. I reckon it's easier than getting a new DH and breaking him in. Anyway, he's officially on the waiting list now, and they reckon that's about 12 wks. We'll see. His knee op took about 18 months to come to fruition.

So, feeling sluggish this morning I took it easy. I spent way too long on Ravelry, e-mail and Twitter, then did a few rows of the spider's-web shawl then DH came downstairs and watched the golf, I knitted and made cuppas.

Then a big FO (ask Eddie Izzard what that means) tractor complete with a spinner on the back turned up and parked outside the kitchen window. So, kettle on again, settle Jack down for a cuppa and a natter. Carly was all over him, interesting cow and horsey smells! It had taken him an hour to get to us, about half a mile, 'cos he kept meeting people on the way. Then he gave me some lime from the spinner (for my veggies) and tootled up to the field recently vacated by the brood mares. I've booked him and his wife for a couple of hours tomorrow or Monday. We'll get the alpacas in for vaccination, and general MOT (at least two need a wormer, so they might as well all have some) and there are a few toenails that need trimming. Champers could probably do with a fringe trim too, I don't know why he's not bumping into things! Photo at the top is of some of the boys in the race - here's Champers!

On the yarn front, I heard from fellow Raveller in Italy that she's working on getting a lace book for me that I've been coveting.

Also on the yarn front, Wyndwitch is now a Yarnie on Ravelry. Yay, should increase her exposure to the yarn buying public. Linky to her store.

Also, also, someone on Ravelry is getting together an order for 50kg of laceweight (v. fine stuff, 52/2NM, 26m/g in merino, silk and cashmere) from a mill in China. Linky to thread. Way to go her! Sounds delish and I'd love to get some, but really, isn't my stash already too big?! Will sleep on that.

Time to start thinking about dins ...

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